Up next Great White Published on April 05, 2021 Author Adam Blattenberg Tags 4x4 diesel trucks, diesel performance, NEWS, Share article Facebook 0 Twitter 0 Mail 0 Diesel News 2-Strokes; New Tax Breaks; Factory Winch and more Event of The Week Easter Jeep Safari If you watched our Facebook Live Feeds over teh last several days, you know we spent teh week in Moab. During our week in epic Moab Utah, we did several live feeds from Jeep’s invite only concept vehicle reveal and test drive day; from the trails with Fullsize Invasion, a group that thumbs their noses at the Jeep dominated crowd; and from a bunch more events within the city. Check out our live feeds on our Facebook page here: LINK Huge thanks to our sponsors KC Turbos; Champion Oil; LMC Truck; BD Diesel and Armorlite.Subscribe Our Weekly Newsletter Highlights Chasing 1,000 HP We’ve featured his build in the pages of Diesel World in the past, but now we may have to revisit Tyler Turay’s Cummins-powered OBS Ford again. He recently pulled the P-pumped 5.9L with the goal of chasing four-digit horsepower, and both the block and head are already being disassembled at LDP Machine for upgrades. After losing three of the old style valve seals, the head will be machined to accept newer style, seals. Already known for spoiling the fun for all kinds of hot-running, late-model sports cars in his street-racing efforts, Tyler will soon need to find stiffer competition on his trips down to Mexico. Source: https://www.facebook.com/LDPMACHINE Emissions Opposed-Piston, 2-Stroke Diesel Meet’s Stringent NOx Emissions Achates Power has announced that the opposed-piston, 2-stroke diesel engine it’s been developing for Class 8 trucks has achieved NOx emissions of 0.02 g/bhp-hr. This level of NOx production would meet the 2027 California emission requirements over the FTP cycle. Engine designers point to the engine’s low surface area to volume ratio of the combustion chamber, which results in lower heat losses and higher brake thermal efficiency, as being the key to its extremely low NOx emissions. The 10.6L engine is a three-cylinder that produces 300 kW (402 hp), and given the success its seen so far, Achates Power plans to also begin development of two and four-cylinder variations for Class 3-6 medium duty applications. Source: https://dieselnet.com/news/2021/03achates.php OEM News Ford On Pace To Sell 1.1 Million Trucks After selling 277,233 trucks through the first quarter, Ford is on target to move more than 1.1 million pickups in 2021. The great first quarter news documents the best retail start for the automaker since 2001. Of particular note, Ford’s report cites that truck and SUV sales are up 87,883 over a year ago, “fully offsetting the retail loss of 13,688 from the discontinuation of cars.” Combined retail trucks and SUV sales were up 30.8 percent, which gave Ford its best first-quarter performance since 2007. The truck sales percentage breakdown looks like this through the first three months of 2021: F-650 and F-750 sales are up 111-percent over 2020, Commercial sales for Ranger are up 47-percent in the first quarter, and Super Duty commercial sales are up 5-percent over the first quarter in 2020. Source: https://media.ford.com/content/fordmedia/fna/us/en.html Tax Breaks For Businesses Participating In Trade Shows? Here’s a thought: why not provide tax credits to businesses who participate in trade shows? A bill was recently introduced in Congress which would provide such tax credits to businesses in order to cover 50-percent of the expenses associated with exhibiting at an industry trade show. After all, booth rent, set up and staffing doesn’t come cheap at trade shows. Called the Hospitality and Commerce Job Recovery Act of 2021 (H.R. 1346/S.477), it could play a vital role in stimulating the economy and creating new jobs, especially with trade shows being key settings to help businesses develop relationships that lead to increased sales and new markets for their products. SEMA is asking you to tell congress to pass the bill. You can do so at the link below. Source: https://www.votervoice.net/SEMA/campaigns/81675/respond?utm_source=ET&utm_medium=email&utm_content=617822&utm_campaign=PRI+March+31+Newsletter+V5N13 Team Scheid Is Ready For Summer Ready to catch 2,000hp, 3,000hp and even 3,500 hp in action? Scheid Diesel has taken the covers off of its motorsport-dominating fleet for the summer racing season. Its iconic racing stable includes the record-setting, 6-second dragster piloted by Jared Jones, the championship-winning Super Stock Ram driven by Kent Crowder, and the championship-winning Pro Stock Dodge campaigned by the Ingrams. You can find the dragster at every Outlaw Diesel Super Series drag race on the 2021 schedule, and the pulling trucks competing in either the PPL circuit, the NTPA circuit, or in some cases, both. Source: https://www.scheiddiesel.com/ Building on the success of the Ford Performance Parts Winch by Warn offered on the Ford Super Duty Tremor,12,000 pounds of winching power will soon be available for any properly equipped 2020 or newer Super Duty pickup. 12,000-Pound Winch Available Beyond Ford’s Tremor Package Due to the success of its Ford Performance Parts Winch by Warn being offered on Super Duty Tremor trim, Ford has decided to offer the 12,000-pound winch for any properly-equipped new Super Duty. Available as a factory option or a dealer-installed accessory, the winch can be added to any 6.7L Power Stroke (or 7.3L gas-powered) 2020 or newer F-250 or F-350 equipped with four-wheel drive. The winch itself features high-tensile strength, abrasion-resistant synthetic cable and includes the only wireless remote control in its class. It can be ordered beginning April 8 as a $3,000 factory option, or installed at your local Ford dealership for $3,000 plus labor. Source: https://newspressusa.com/publicReleaseView/68997/7610/Y2FyZ3V5NDIxMUB5YWhvby5jb21FbWFpbEhhc2g=?token=b8EEDV4Kr48wEUHodtAx Total 0 Shares Share 0 Tweet 0 Pin it 0 Share 0
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