47RE / 48RE / 68RFE Build-It Kits

BD Build Kits and Converters

BD Build Kits and Converters

BD Diesel is excited to introduce their latest product line that caters to your transmission rebuilding needs. If you are in the market for specialty parts to match your specific application, BD has got you covered.

“Our range of rebuild parts kits features top-quality parts that we use in our own performance transmissions. These kits are designed to provide a hassle-free experience to seasoned builders who are looking to complete the job with ease.”

“Each of our rebuild parts kits comes with all the basic rebuild parts and gaskets required to get the job done. But that’s not all – we’ve also added special touches to these kits that range from stock HP up to our Stage 4 Master Kit. This kit includes everything that we put in our own transmission rebuilds, ensuring that you get the best performance possible.”

Now you can purchase our Build It Kits with a Torque Converter!


DODGE/RAM 6.7L CUMMINS 2007.5-2018 (PN:1063022)

Learn more: us.bddiesel.com

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