Greetings from Diesel World: Exciting Features Await!

Hello, Diesel World! I’m really excited to get this issue out the door as there are some great features in this issue from all different corners of the US. On our end, we’re continuing to scout for features at all of the events on our list (and more!) to make this book a must-have to pick up and share with your friends.

We’re moving along quickly with our Stock to Not project and changing up some things to make it the perfect street and travel truck (if that’s even a thing). It’s been really cool having this build at events and talking our readers, who come up and say they’ve been following along with the build and didn’t think they’d ever see it in person. I appreciate all of you who care about my dreams of keeping dinosaurs alive!

Thanks for grabbing yet another issue off a shelf or out of your mailbox. It means the world to us! #KeepPrintAlive.


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