Up next Getting The Most Out Of Your Diesel From AFE Power Published on October 13, 2023 Author Adam Blattenberg Share article Facebook 0 Twitter 0 Mail 0 Diesel World’s Innovative Changes in the Post-Covid Era Live Feeds While we are getting back into the swing of a more normal life nowadays, it’s not what it was before at all. Not even close (here’s to hoping that we didn’t back slide during the 60-days it takes to print these magazines and get them to you). This mess has changed us all. And as far as Diesel World is concerned, for the most part that’s a good thing. Covid pushed us we to be extremely innovative. No way I/we were going to come out the back side of this virus mess the same as we entered it. Personally, I love this Sh$#. Diesel is my life. Walking the drag strip, the sound and feeling of my shoes sticking from the VHT, or the sound of an engine trying to get on top of the chargers and once it lights them, that stuff is my drug! I don’t want to do anything else, so making sure we as a brand are stronger after Covid means a lot to me to say the least. We’ve got a lot of irons in the fire right now. Two events already in the books and they’re already on the schedule next year, plus the third for this year is almost ready to announce. Hopefully next years Diesel World events will be fully open to the public, not just a live feed. Either way they’ll be eons better than this year’s, we’ve got a ton planned there. But this next thing is what is going to be the most drastic change to how our content is normally delivered. We’re cutting back substantially on the still image based event coverage. I did say cutting back NOT eliminating it, but I should say we’re adding to it. We’ll still have the print and web articles, but we’ll also be live streaming every diesel event we possibly can. My goal for 2021 is to have 30 events streaming live. That’s just about all the mainstream diesel specific events in existence today. By 2022, I want 70 or more. Anytime there’s a diesel going down the track, or doing a dyno hit, or pulling a sled, any time there’s a large diesel presence at an event, even tow tests, R&D sessions, the possibilities are endless; if you can’t make it there in person, Diesel World is going to be the place to see it, live from the comfort of your home, your shop, at work or on vacation.Subscribe Our Weekly Newsletter So that’s going to be my coming year. Learning the ins and outs of mobile TV production. I’ve already got a bunch figured out, and it’s been fun learning new tech, but it does sound kinda boring for someone that used to spend 40+ hrs a week doing things like watching the fastest diesel’s on the track. The way I look at it, I’m still doing the same thing, I’ll just be manning a video production system instead of a still camera. Fine by me, as long as I still get to spend my working hours playing with diesel. Total 0 Shares Share 0 Tweet 0 Pin it 0 Share 0
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