Colt Stevenson’s ’75 F-250: A Diesel-Powered Family Legacy

Diesel enthusiasts come from a wide variety of ages, backgrounds, professions and cultures. While some simply want the most efficient drivetrain they can find, others […]

Hastings Foote’s ’97 Ford F-250: Classic Power and Performance, Modern Upgrades

Coming across a clean old body style Ford isn’t as easy as it used to be. Twenty-plus years of changing seasons, exposure to salt, and […]

Fifty and Fine: A 1966 Ford F-100 Diesel Restomod

In the eyes of many a fifty year old truck is nothing more than an eyesore and would be best served being crushed into oblivion—fortunately […]

Inside the Legendary Fairbanks-Morse Model-32: A Diesel Powerhouse

Fairbanks-Morse is a storied name in the world of diesels, and it has celebrated over 100 years building diesels. The company goes back to 1832, […]


At the dawn of the 1960s, most of the smaller independent American auto and truck manufacturers had faded away under the searing light of “The […]


1962 FORD 2000 The early 1960s brought a lot of changes to the worldwide Ford ag equipment manufacturing empire. Ford announced a new organization, Ford […]

She’s So Fine My 6.9

1983-87 International/Ford 6.9L IDI -Dedicated to the late Terry Hankins, IH/Navistar Engineer Public and governmental outcry after the oil shortages of the early ‘70s forced […]

JUST A SIMPLE BUILD - Vintage Cummins Powered Chevy

Proving It Doesn’t Have to Be Complex to Be a Winner The key to every memorable build is always a higher level of originality. When  […]

Middie Minnie

1964 Minneapolis Moline 602E The M-Series Minneapolis-Moline tractors debuted in 1960, replacing the 5-Star tractors of the late 1950s in the middleweight tractor role. It […]

Coolspring Power Museum

Where Vintage Engines Come to Live Again If you follow Vintage Smoke you will know we’ve covered engines from the Coolspring Power Museum several times […]

Chevy Cummins Crew Cab

For the last 15 years, Chad Martin has been building award winning rides. This time, he built a Brutally Sexy Chevy for himself. From Chevy, […]

Vintage Smoke - Ford 6.9L IDI

1983-87 International/Ford 6.9L IDI Public and governmental outcry after the oil shortages of the early ‘70s forced U.S. auto, light truck and commercial truck makers […]


Whether you’ve seen them in person or not, you know there are diesel in ships and boats, road vehicles of all types, off road vehicles […]

Small, Tall Tractor

1967 Massey Ferguson 165 Hi-Hi Consult the books on Massey Ferguson tractors and you will see no high clearance model of the MF165 listed. So […]

Gearing Up for the Road

Axle Maintenance and Gear Swaps on a 1996 Power Stroke If you’ve been following along with advancements in trucks coming from the OEM’s you’ve obviously […]

Looks, Sounds, And Runs Like A Deere

If you’ve yet to hear the name Plowboy Diesel, do yourself a favor and Google “Twin Cummins Dodge.” This small, farm-based operation is known for […]

Red Heavyweight

1966 International Harvester Farmall 1206 The Farmall 1206 was International’s first over-100 horsepower tractor as well as being the first over-100 horsepower rowcrop tractor on […]

The Giant Swiss Watch

1944 Kahlenberg B-5 The name Kahlenberg may inspire only quizzical looks from a modern diesel pickup enthusiast. If you operated boats on the Great Lakes […]

The Scout: International Harvester

Two Surviving Prototype Scout Diesels The International Scout was diesel before diesel was cool. Diesels were nothing new for International Harvester, in their truck lines […]


Diesel Hot Rods That Pack A Punch Among this list are some of the craziest looking builds that may look worn or small, but pack […]